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Daniel Arboria

Film Review: Women’s Flesh: My Red Guts (1999)

SYNOPSIS: After her boyfriend dumps her, a young woman goes into her bathroom and begins to masturbate with a toothbrush. Autoeroticism gradually turns into self-mutilation, and she attempts to eat one of her own fingers. She then asphyxiates herself, and the focus changes to another woman, who also begins to mutilate herself. She starts with a fork, switches to a …

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Film Review: Hitch-Hike (2013)

SYNOPSIS: The beautiful young Saeko and her abusive husband Yoshio are driving through the Japanese countryside. Yoshio continually makes things unpleasant for his unfortunate wife, fingering her while she’s driving and slapping her whenever his beer spills. They pick up a hitchhiker who, like Yoshio, is a fishing enthusiast. Things quickly turn sour, however, and the moment they find out …

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Film Review: Necrophagia: Through Eyes of the Dead (2000)

SYNOPSIS: Through Eyes of the Dead is American extreme metal band Necrophagia’s first video compilation, first released in 2000. It consists of clips for five original songs, interspersed with brief snippets of interview footage. Most of these songs are taken from the 1998 album “Holocausto de la Morte”. The clips combine footage of the band performing with scenes from horror …

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Film Review: Girl Hell (1999)

SYNOPSIS: Misaki, a kindhearted 17-year-old schoolgirl, leads a lonely and miserable life. Abandoned by her mother, she lives with her invalid sister and abusive father. Unable to defend herself, her sister is sexually abused by their father constantly, but Misaki herself manages to avoid his incestuous attentions. She is unable to relate to her only friend, a fellow student who …

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Film Review: Robotrix (1991)

SYNOPSIS: At an expo showcasing the latest android models from around the world, a fight erupts between the stoic German cyborg and the aggressive American model. Things quickly get out of control, but the situation is defused by the Hong Kong android Eve R27. A visiting oil sheik is very impressed, and invites Eve’s crew to join his team, which …

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Film Review: Muzan-E (1999)

SYNOPSIS: A young female reporter is investigating the disappearance of an adult film actress, Mai Tsurumi, who is rumored to have met her end in a snuff movie. The reporter interviews various people working in the P*rn trade, including a researcher, director, producer and a couple of actors. She even visits the set of an adult video, witnessing the grotesque …

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Film Review: Attack Girls’ Swim Team Versus the Undead (2007)

SYNOPSIS: The swim team of the local girls high school is getting ready for an upcoming competition. Their concentration is quickly derailed, however, when they are informed over the loudspeaker that a new virus is doing the rounds and they will all need to be vaccinated. Before long the virus has caused the school to be overrun with zombies, among …

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Film Review: Mad Detective (2007)

SYNOPSIS: Inspector Bun has developed a reputation for solving crimes with his clairvoyant power, which enables him to see manifestations of the different sides of an individual’s personality. His career comes to a crashing halt, however, when he inexplicably severs his ear and offers it to the chief as a retirement gift. Years later, Inspector Ho approaches Bun for help …

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