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Home | News | Z DEAD END to Feature Douglas Dunning, Tom Sizemore, and George Lazenby

Z DEAD END to Feature Douglas Dunning, Tom Sizemore, and George Lazenby

Actor, producer, stuntman and 70mm camera operator Douglas Dunning will be starring with George Lazenby (On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, 1969) in Z Dead End, a new zombie film unlike any before it. The film was written and will be directed by Robert Resto (The Brain Hunter, 2013). It is scheduled for release in late 2022.

From the IMDB.com description:

The date is July 4th, 2015 – and it’s the end of the world. Without any warning, bodies begin dropping from the sky, colliding with the ground, only to rise once more. The bodies are swiftly determined to be zombies, and they’ve invaded Earth. No one knows why the zombies have arrived, except for a mysterious little girl named Emily. As humanity continues to fall at the hands of these monsters, a few people are determined to survive the invasion. Officer Betsy Milford (Felissa Rose) is the first to encounter the little girl as she fends off zombies to protect Emily, only for the girl to eerily flee from her. Against the odds, strippers Kara and Mindy escape their club, while a lonely Bicker Blaze (Robert LaSardo) slashes down as many zombies as he can. As these survivors brave the invasion, they suddenly meet four black suit government agents who will change the course of their existence.

Have a look at the trailer here, with voiceover by Douglas Dunning.

As an aside, Douglas Dunning, who is in his 60’s, recently put his life on the line helping others who were trapped in a burning building in his compound and consequently is now on the brink of homelessness.  Douglas is that rare breed of man who heroically helps others in peril. Please consider giving whatever you can afford to help Douglas rebuild his life at this GoFundMe link. Thank you in advance!

UPDATE: Actor Tom Sizemore, known for his roles in True Romance (1993), Saving Private Ryan (1998), Heat (1994), and Pearl Harbor (2001), will be portraying the role of Tippy Greystone.


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